***********************ODD ONE OUT***************************
1) |
From the given choices select the odd one out. |
(a) ABIJ (b) DEHI (c) MNQR (d) STWX |
ANS:(A) |
2) |
From the given choices select the odd one out |
(a) AFB (b) MRN (c) KPL (d) RXS |
ANS:(D) |
3) |
If CHAIR is coded as HCARI, then SHAME is coded as |
(a) IDBSJ (b) IDASJ (c) HSBEM (d) HSAEM |
ANS:(D) |
4) |
From the given choices select the odd one out. |
(a) DEB (b) FGD (c) PQN (d) TUS |
ANS:(D) |
5) |
(a) HGI (b) HIG (c) IHG (d) IGH |
ANS:(A) |
6) From the given choices select the odd one out. |
(a) CEH (b) PRV (c) TVY (d) MOR |
ANS:(B) |
7) From the given choices select the odd one out. |
(a) PRQ (b) ACB (c) TUV (d) QSR |
ANS:(C) |
8) From the given choices select the odd one out. |
(a) AFB (b) MRN (c) KPL (d) RXS |
ANS;(C) |
9) From the given choices select the odd one out |
(a) BAD (b) FEH (c) POS (d) TSV |
ANS:(C) |
10) From the given choices select the odd man out. |
(a) bb c MN (b) dd e OP (c) gg f QP (d) mm n WX |
ANS(C) |
11) From the given choices select the odd one out |
(a) C5H (b) E6L (c) M4Q (d) T3W |
ANS:(B) |

ANS:(A) |
13) CEGI : JLNP : QSUW : _____ |
(a) WCMS (b) SXBD (c) XZBD (d) UZDH |
ANS:(C) |
(a) BRSPNGUKO (b) BRSQNGUKN (c) BRSQNGUKO (d)BRSPNGUKN ANS:(D) 15) In a certain code, JOHN is written as LSNV. How is MARK written in that code?
(a) OEYS (b) OEXS (c) OEXT (d) OEYT ANS:(B)
16) In a certain code, SPECIFY is written as 1916539625. How is ABOUT written in that code?
(a) 13162120 (b) 12162120 (c) 12152019 (d) 12152120 ANS:(D)
17) In a certain code, JOHN is written as LSNV. How is MARK written in that code?
(a) OEYS (b) OEXS (c) OEXT (d) OEYT |
ANS:(B) |
18) Arrange Below given.... |
1.Centigram |
2. Megagram |
3. |
Microgram |
4. |
Milligram |
5. |
Kilogram |
(a) 4,3,2,1,5 (b) 3,4,1,5,2 (c) 4,2,3,1,5 (d) 3,2,1,4,5 |
ANS: (B) |
19) Arrange Below given.... .... |
1. Infant |
2. |
Foetus |
3. |
Zygote |
4. |
Adult |
5. |
Teenager |
(a) 2,3,1,5,4 (b) 3,2,1,5,4 (c) 4,5,1,3,2 (d) 2,1,5,4,3 |
ANS:(B) |
20) Arrange Below given.... .... |
1.Lion |
2. |
Dog |
3. |
Duck |
4. Insect

5. |
Deer |
(a) 4,2,3,5,1 (b) 4,2,3,1,5 (c) 4,3,2,5,1 (d) 4,3,2,1,5 |
ANS:(C) |
21) Arrange Below given.... .... |
1. |
Tajmahal |
2. India |
3. |
Asia |
4. |
Agra |
5. |
Uttar Pradesh |
(a) 1,5,4,2,3 (b) 1,4,2,5,3 (c) 3,2,4,5,1 (d) 3,2,5,4,1 |
ANS:(D) |
22) If "Apples are red" is coded as 541, "My eye swollen" is coded as 927, "fear of dark" is coded as 368, then what does "Apple of my eye" stand for?
(a) 5692 (b) 5690 (c) 5962 (d) 5672 |
ANS:(A) |
23) 9, 3, 18, 6, 36, 12, ..... |
(a) 24 (b) 48 (c) 60 (d) 72 |
ANS:(D) |
*****************PROBLEM BASE ON DIRECTION************
24) A baby crawls 12 feet towards east and then 4 feet towards south. He then crawls 9 feet towards west. How far is he from his initial position?
(a) 2 feet (b) 9 feet (c) 5 feet (d) 16 feet |
ANS:(C) |
25) A lady runs 18 kms towards east and then 24 kms towards north. How far is she from her starting point and in which direction?
(a) 42 kms
26) A man has strayed from his path while on his way to the park. He moves 100km towards south, then another 40km towards west. He then travels 70km towards north and reaches the park. What is the distance of the shortest possible route?
(a) 50km (b) 40km (c) 60km (d) 30km |
ANS:(A) |
27) A baby crawls 8 feet towards west and then 8 feet towards north. It then moves 14 feet towards east. How far and in which direction is the baby from the starting point ?
(a) 8 feet towards east (b) 10 feet towards
28) A child has strayed from his path while coming home from the school. He first goes 3 kms towards south from his school and then moves 5 kms towards east. He again moves 3 kms towards north and then goes 2 kms towards west. How far is his school situated from home?

(a) 3 kms (b) 1 km (c) 2 kms (d) 8 kms |
ANS:(A) |
29) Five cars are parked in a row facing Eastward. E is parked to the left of A, B and C. B, C and A are parked to the left of D. C is parked between A and B. If B is parked fourth from the left, how far is A parked from the right?
(a) Fourth (b) Third (c) Second (d) First |
ANS:(A) |
************** PROBLEM BASE ON BLOOD RELATION**************
30) B has a sister A. B is the daughter of C. C's father is P. How is A related to P?
(a) Aunt (b) Granddaughter (c) Niece (d) Sister |
ANS:(B) |
31) X is the wife of Y and Y is the brother of Z. Z is the son of P. How is P related to X?
(a) Sister (b) Aunt (c) |
ANS:(C) |
32) B is the only child of A. M and N are the children of B. D is the grandmother of N. How is A related to D?
(a) Grandmother (b) Husband (c) Mother (d) Son |
ANS:(B) |
33) Introducing a woman, a man said, "She is the only
(a) Cousin (b) Sister (c) Daughter (d) Wife |
ANS: (D) |
34) P is the daughter of Q. R is the brother of P. S is the father of R. How is Q related to S?
(a)Wife (b) Daughter (c) Father (d) Uncle ANS:(A)
35) P is the father of R but R is not his son. M is the spouse of R. How is M related to P?
36) D and E have three children A, B and C. F is A's spouse. D is the grandfather of G. B is the mother of H. F is G's father. Who is the male child of D and E?
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) G |
ANS (C) |
37) A man goes to the park and sees a girl who he recognized to be his relative. The girl was the daughter of his sister's husband's wife. How isthe girl related to the man?
(a) Niece (b) |
ANS: (A) |
38) Seeta who is the

(a) |
ANS:(B) |
*****************PROBLEM BASE ON PASSAGE********************
39) Social scientists have found that people who marry young are seldom prepared for marital roles. Also the men and women who marry as young adults live longer than those who never marry. According to a study, young adults who are about to get married have fewer unhealthy habits, like smoking and uncontrolled drinking of alcohol, as compared with the other people of the same age.
(a)The institution of marriage forces young men and women to quit smoking and drinking.
(b)Those who marry at an older age live a shorter life than those who get married at a younger age.
(c)People who marry at an older age are well prepared to take up marital roles.
(d)Young adults who are not about to marry are more likely to have unhealthy habits than those who are about to marry.
40) Efficiency is all right in its place, in the shop, the factory, the store. The trouble with efficiency is that it wants to rule our play as well as our work; it won't be content to reign in the shop, it follows us home
(a)Efficiency can become all pervading
(b)Efficiency does not always pay |
ANS:(A) |
(c)Efficiency can be more of a torture than blessing
(d)None of these
41) Email overload has
(a)Employees find reading mails to be more interesting than working.
(b)Replying to each and every mail is not a good habit.
(c)Addiction of reading and replying to every mail may have adverse effect on our performance.
(d)All mails are sent on the premise that timely action be taken on them |
ANS:(D) |

42) Deepa Mehta's Fire was under fire from the country's
(a)The assumption underlying the moral police's critique of Fire was that the Indian audience is vulnerable to all types of influence
(b)The assumption underlying the moral police's critique of Fire was that the Indian audience is impressionable and must be protected against 'immoral' influence
(c)The moral police thinks it has the sole authority to pass judgment on films screened in India
(d) None of these |
ANS:(B) |
43) From Chennai to Himachal Pradesh, the new culture vultures are tearing down acres of India's architectural treasures. Ancestral owners are often fobbed off with a few hundred rupees for an exquisitely carved door or window, which fetches fifty times that much from foreign dealers, and yet more from the drawing shop sophisticates of the Western Countries. The reason for such shameless rape of the Indian architectural wealth can perhaps, not wrongly, be attributed to the unfortunate blend of activist disunity and the local indifference
(a)India provides a rich market for unscrupulous antique dealers
(b)Most Indian families have heirlooms which can be sold at high prices to Europeans and Americans
(e)Only Indians are not proud of their cultural heritage and are hungry for foreign currency that is easily available in return of artifacts
(f)The environment created by the activist disunity and local indifference is the reason
for antique dealers to strive in India |
ANS (F) |
45) The world production of sugar has been reported to be very scarce as compared to the global sales for four years. The demand for sugar is extremely high but the supply has been low for quite some time now. This could be because of the awful weather and also because some chief sugar growers have switched to
(a)Sugar production is profitable only when the price of sugar is as high as that that of jute
(b)The sugar growers who had shifted to the higher priced jute, will now move back to producing sugar

(c) Demand for jute was higher than the demand for sugar, which made sugar growers shift their production ANS:(C)
(d) If there continues to be a shortfall in the production of sugar, the price of sugar may even exceed that of jute
46) The company encourages its managers to interact regularly, without preset agenda, to discuss issues concerning the company and the society. This idea has been borrowed from the ancient Indian concept of religious congregation, called satsang. Designations are forgotten during these meetings; hence, it is not uncommon in these meetings to find a management trainee questioning the Managing Director on some corporate policy or his knowledge of customers
(a)The company is concerned about its reputation with its employees
(b)The company believes in fostering the spirit of dialogue without degenerating it into a positioning based debate
(c)The company had some
(d)All of the above |
ANS: D) |
47) Skeptics argue that flying saucers and UFOs that are believed to be guided by extraterrestrial beings or aliens are creations of human imagination.
They have demonstrated that a number of photographs that apparently show flying saucers are either phony or are misinterpreted images of earthly or natural objects such as aeroplanes or meteors. However, there are scientists who have also contributed plenty of evidence and asserted that aliens do exist.
(a)Lack of credibility of photographic evidence should be taken as proof of non existence of aliens
(b)While the existence of flying saucers and UFOs has been denied, the possibility of alien beings is still a reality
(c)UFOs and flying saucers, if a reality, are of the same shape and size as aeroplanes (d)The fact that a number of photographs of flying saucers are fake cannot disprove the
existence of aliens and UFOs |
ANS:(D) |
48) With new seasons of reality shows being telecast every month, the viewership of these shows has increased. Viewership and participation in reality TV shows is mostly induced by two common motivators: fame and money. The shows transform common people who are otherwise obscure figures to household names. A few successfully maneuver their small stint with fame to become celebrities. Winners of Reality TV shows reap huge financial
rewards for acts including eating large insects, marrying someone they barely know, and revealing their innermost thoughts to millions of people.
(a)Reality shows owe their popularity to the fact that all their participants become rich and famous
(b)There are more reality shows on TV than regular shows as viewership of reality shows is higher

(c)The participation money in reality shows is linked to the bizarreness of the acts on the show
(d)Reality TV is one of the best things that has happened to television networks in a long time
(e)The main attraction behind viewership of reality shows is to see unknown people become rich and famous ANS: (E)
*******************PROBLEM BASE ON STATEMENT**********************
49) Problem question: How many sisters does Mamta have? Statements:
I) Mamta does not have any brother ANS: (B) II) Mamta's mother has four daughters
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
50) Problem question: Who is the nephew of X? Statements:
I) Y is the sister of X ANS:(C) II) Z is the son of Y
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
51) Problem question: Among the four students of class V - Radha, Meera, Kamala and Geetanjali, who is the tallest?
I) Meera is shorter than Radha, but taller than Geetanjali ANS:(C) II) Kamala is taller than Meera
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question

(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
52) Problem question: How much time would a machine take to put caps on 300 bottles? Statements:
I) It takes 8 hours to put caps on 300 bottles manually. ANS:( A) II) It takes 2 minutes lesser to put cap on a bottle using machine than putting it manually.
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Either of the statements taken individually is sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
53) Problem question: What is the area of the top of the table?
I) The top of the table is rectangular in shape ANS:(D) II) The length of the top of the table is 35 cm
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
54) Problem question: How many sisters does Mamta have? |
Statements: |
I) Mamta does not have any brother |
II) Mamta's mother has four daughters |
ANS:(B) |
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question |
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question |
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question |
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question (e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question

55) Problem question: What is the monthly salary of Raghu? |
Statements: |
I) The salaries of Raghu and his brother are in the ratio 5:6 respectively |
II) The salary of Raghu's brother is Rs 32,000 per month |
ANS:(C) |
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
56) Problem Question: There are four friends Akash, Manoj, Nitesh and Piyush.They are standing in increasing order of their heights facing towards North.At what position is Manoj standing?
I. Akash is taller than Piyush and Piyush is taller than Manoj. Manoj is not the shortest. II. Nitesh is smaller than Manoj and Piyush.Nitesh is the shortest and Piyush is the tallest.
a)I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
b)II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
c)Either I or II is sufficient
d) Neither I nor II is sufficient |
ANS:(D) |
e) Both I and II together are sufficient |
58) Problem question: How is John related to Mary? Statements:
(I) Paula, the wife of John's only brother Tom, does not have any siblings (II) Mary is the daughter of Paula's
a) Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question |
ANS(D) |
b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question
59) Problem question: The salaries of A and B are in the ratio 2:3 What is the salary of A? Statements:
I) The salary of B is Rs 8000 ANS:(E) II) The total salary of A and B is Rs 15000
(a)Statement I alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(b)Statement II alone is sufficient in answering the problem question
(c)Both statements put together are sufficient in answering the problem question
(d)Both the statements even put together are not sufficient in answering the problem question
(e)Either of the statement is sufficient in answering the problem question

60) Excessive amounts of mercury in drinking water, associated with certain types of industrial pollution have been shown to cause Hobson's disease. Island L has an economy based entirely on subsistence level agriculture; modern industry of any kind is unknown. The inhabitants of Island L have unusually high incidence of Hobson's disease.
a)Mercury in drinking water is actually perfectly safe |
ANS:(E) |
b)Mercury in drinking water must have sources other than industrial pollution
c)Hobson's disease must have causes other than mercury in drinking water d)Both options (1) and (2)
e)Both options (3) and (2)
is this all they ask in amcat ? i ahve never given this exam so wanna about the topics they ask from ?
ReplyDeleteare these questions asked in hcl exam sponsored by amcat?